

How To Buy A Home When You’re Self-Employed

How To Buy A Home When You’re Self-Employed

Self-employed borrowers can have it a little tougher than those working for an employer when applying for a home loan. Where longterm PAYG employees can simply supply their last two payslips for income verification, these of us who are self employed need to go back a little farther. But this doesn't mean it needs to be put in the too hard basket.

What’s A Simple Way To Increase My Borrowing Capacity?

What’s A Simple Way To Increase My Borrowing Capacity?

We find that lot of of our clients don't realise how their current way of living and spending can actively affect their borrowing capacity when it comes to trying to obtain finance. Here are a few simple ways to start increasing that capacity:

The process of securing a home loan through a broker

The process of securing a home loan through a broker

According to recent research, prospective home buyers are using mortgage brokers to secure home loans because they expect brokers will save them money and assist them through the home loan application process.If you decide a broker is for you, you can engage with them in a number of key stages throughout the application process and beyond.

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